Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Moment of Experience

This present moment, here and now, is the One Moment of Experience. There is no moment in which we can possibly ever experience our lives other than right here and right now in This Moment. 

If you doubt this statement, go ahead and try to disprove it. Try to go back and re-live an experience you had last week, or yesterday, or even five minutes ago. 

Or jump ahead and try to fast forward yourself into tomorrow, today. However we slice it and dice it, there is no other time or place in which we can experience our lives other than in This Present Moment

Think about the truth of this statement for a moment. We may spent much of our time mulling or obsessing over past events or worrying or daydreaming about what the future may bring. But both the obsessing and mulling about the "past" and the worrying and daydreaming about the "future" are simply thoughts that we express right here and right now in This Present Moment. There is no way to access the "past" or the "future" other than through the act of thinking about the past or future in This Present Moment

Once we recognize and embrace the fact that This Present Moment is our One Moment of Experience, we gain immediate access to the one and only moment in which we may positively influence the outcome of our lives, whether by adopting a better attitude about our lives, forming constructive, goal-oriented thoughts about a specific outcome we would like to realize, or taking a specific action that will enhance the condition of our lives in some way. We can only ever engage in all such attitudes, thoughts, and actions in This Present Moment

Another way of expressing this truth is to say that This Present Moment is the one and only point in time at which we can tap into our Personal Power and influence our lives in some way. Whether we influence our lives for the better or for the worse depends upon how adept we are at exercising our Personal Power in this One Moment of Experience. Therefore, once we realize that This Present Moment is the One Moment of Experience, and therefore, our one Moment of Power, the question we need to ask ourselves is: How effectively are we, in This One Moment of Experience, utilizing our Moment of Power

Personal Power is simply the Power we have at our disposal as human beings to affect the condition of our lives. The two basic "power tools" we have at our disposal to do so are the capacity to express thought and the capacity to take action. 

This access to our Personal Power is not "out there somewhere" for us to search endlessly for until we find it. It can only ever be found within us right here and right now. Its location is so obvious that we can and often do look right past it, thinking it must be "somewhere else." 

We do this because we allow our attention to be distracted away from This Present Moment and into the noisy thought realm of the mind. When this happens, we exit the Realm of Clarity (which we enjoy when our attention is focused precisely on This Present Moment) and enter into the Realm of Confusion (which we fall into whenever our attention is seduced into the realm of randomly arising chaotic snippets of thoughts about the "past" and "future" that swim 
constantly within our minds).

We are also conditioned to believe that Personal Power is something that must be difficult to obtain, when in fact it is something we always have instant access to right here and right now. This is because we overlook the fact that This Present Moment is the One Moment of Experience, and instead buy into the notion that the "real us" and the solution to our lives' challenges lay "out there" somewhere.

When we ignore the Personal Power that is available for our benefit right here and right now in this One Moment of Experience in order to search for it "out there somewhere," this is akin to taking our Personal Power, sealing it in a box, burying it in the yard, and then pretending that we have no idea where it is and proceeding to search the ends of the earth for it. Or perhaps it is 
simply akin to searching all over the house for a pair of glasses that are right on our nose. 

Even if we learn to recognize our Personal Power, if we do not use it effectively we end up dissipating it by using it in ways that do not support our experience of well being. 

Therefore, we need to not only recognize that the only time and place in which we can access our Personal Power is This One Moment of Experience, and therefore, the One Moment of Power, but we also need to learn to utilize our Personal Power effectively.

Let's summarize what we have talked about so far. Since This Present Moment Here and Now is the One Moment of Experience, there is no other time and place, including the "past" and the "future" (which again really only exist as thoughts we create about something called the "past" or "future") during which we can possibily experience, and thus impact, our lives. Therefore, any experience we can possibly have, can only ever occur in This Present Moment. 

If we can only ever experience our lives in This Present Moment, it stands to reason that the only Power we have to positively influence our lives in any way, shape, or form is also in This Present Moment. Thus, our One Moment of Experience is also our One Moment of Power

So we can now see that this Present Moment is our One Moment of Power. Why is it essential to know and embrace this fact? Because if it is true that This Present Moment is the One Moment of Power, the one and only moment during which we can ever positively influence our lives, then it stands to reason that the key to gaining mastery over our lives is to learn to utilize our One Moment of Power to access our Personal Power and apply it in order to enhance the quality of our lives.

In other words, since here and now is our One Moment of Experience, if we can simply gain mastery over nothing other than This Moment, we effectively gain mastery of our lives.

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