This Present Moment is the One Moment of Experience.
It is also the One Moment of Power.
What is the Moment of Power? The Moment of Power is the One Moment in which we have the power to influence the quality of our lives in any way, shape or form.
All too often, we tend to project the point at which we will be happy and fulfilled at some vague, undefined point in the future. We tend to set up the game so that once we have fulfilled a certain set of conditions in our lives, only then we may be happy.
In fact, the future that we project never arrives. And while we may fulfill the conditions we have established for happiness, it is worth keeping in mind that the conditions of life are ever changing.
Rather than jump through a thousand hoops on a 20-year journey to reach the Holy Grail of well-being, we have the option of utilizing our One Moment of Power to achieve a perfect state of well-being right here and right now.
This Present Moment is the One Moment of Experience. There is no other time or place that we can experience our lives other than right now. It is true that time seems to flow by. We do in fact transition from a baby to a child to a teenager to a young adult to middle-aged, into old age, and then, at some point, we do in fact die as an end to our lives on this earth in our present form.
It is true that we can reflect back on experiences that we have had, and we can plan for future experiences. But such reflection, and such planning, can only ever occur in This Present Moment.
However we slice and dice it, This Present Moment is the One Moment of Experience. And since Here and Now is our One Moment of Experience, it must also therefore be our One Moment of Power.
Right Here and Right Now, This Present Moment, is the One Moment of Power. It is the one point at which we can access our Personal Power. It is the One Moment in which we can influence our lives in any way, shape, or form.
This Present Moment is the One Moment in which we can change our thoughts, and begin to think of our lives in postive terms instead of negative terms. It is the One Moment in which we can take an action that will enhance our state of well-being.
This Present Moment is the One Moment of Power.
When you feel like you need to change your life, when you feel depressed, or powerless, do not long for a set of conditions that existed in the past that no longer exist today. The conditions of life are in a constant state of change!
Do not merely hope that things will get better "in the future." That "future" will never arrive!
Instead, recognize that This Present Moment is the One Moment of Experience. And then utilize this One Moment of Experience to exercise your Personal Power to enhance your experience of well-being. The experience of well-being, or happiness, or fulfillment, like ALL experiences, can also only ever occur in This Present Moment.
So recognize and embrace the truth that Here and Now is the One Moment of Experience. And then also recognize and embrace the idea that this One Moment of Experience is also the One Moment of Power, the one and only moment in which you may exercise your Personal Power and positively affect the quality of your life experience.
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